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Adventure park for kindergarten

The tracks in the park are divided by color. The basic tracks are white and yellow, which are suitable for children from the age of 4 onwards. The green track is for children from the age of 6 and can only be used in cases where there is a kindergarten in the park for children of this age

We divided the adventure for kindergarten children into two parts:

Part 1 begins on the trails of the adventure park. Children climb along routes suitable for them.
The 2nd part starts in the Gym, continues with a walk along the forest path and exploring life in the forest.

The adventure lasts 3-4 hours for groups of up to 50 kindergarten children. Instructors in the park are constantly advising children on which tracks they can and cannot go on. Educators and chaperones monitor and participate in children's activities in the park and alert us to children who need special attention. Climbing in the park is only possible with the help of educators and chaperones.


Before starting climbing in the park, all visitors must first go to the school training ground. At the school training ground, the instructor explains the rules for using the park to the group. Then he practically shows all the elements of fastening safety clips and a pulley for driving on a steel wire. Each of the visitors must then practically demonstrate on this school training ground whether they have correctly understood the explained rules. Only then can he start climbing the trails in the park.

Our instructors then check on the tracks themselves whether these children follow these rules. We are strict and consistent in checking the rules, as the basic rule in the park is safety first, fun second. If it happens that one of the visitors does not follow the rules, of course the instructor warns him, but when he finds out that the disobedience continues, the visitor's belt is taken away and he can no longer continue climbing.

Price per child 14 euros.



Visitors to the park develop motor skills while overcoming climbing elements, perform activities and are in nature all the time. The park is entirely located among the growing trees in the forest. This means that visitors climb in the shade, in the fresh forest air. Both activity and the forest have been shown to reduce stress, increase satisfaction and, in turn, benefit health. Nowadays, however, our park is truly one of the few activities for children that, at least for the time of climbing, removes the use of electronic devices and thus rests the brain.


No special preparation, physical fitness or movement skills are required to visit the adventure park. All visitors are protected during the exercises. Safety equipment and safety systems are certified according to the directives of European standards for adventure parks. Visitors should wear appropriate footwear and sports clothing. Footwear should not be open or loose. It is desirable that it is light and sporty and fits the foot well. Some routes, especially the more difficult ones, require a lot of help from the legs when climbing.
Experienced instructors ensure a pleasant and above all safe adventure park experience. Children learn to use the safety buckles correctly, which serve their 100% safety. Instructors, educators and chaperones make sure that all these children are under control in terms of correct behavior.


For kindergartens with a large number of children, we can also prepare activities outside the park itself.

These activities are the following:

Workshop with the hunter:

The hunter leads the group into the forest with the desire to explain the forest to them through the eyes of a hunter. The workshop is adjusted according to the age of the children and the size of the group. Giving knowledge and an experienced hunter adapts to children. The topics discussed at the workshop are: the purpose of hunting in the past and today, nature conservation and care for the preservation of the abundance of animal species, the production and purpose of hunting equipment (feeders, traps, paths...), wild animals in Slovenia (expansion, endangered , diseases...), game breeding, harm and benefits (from the point of view of animals and from the point of view of man-hunter), hunting (weapons?), hunter and dog (kenology), education and acquisition of practical skills, hunting culture and customs. ..
The workshop is suitable for a group of up to 20 children. It takes up to 1 hour.

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Equipment for climbing in the park (safety belt with two safety clips and a pulley for zipline).
Theoretical and practical training of using of the park at the school training ground.
Supervision by instructors on individual routes.

Suitable for

Minimum age: 4 years.
Park capacity: 130 persons.
Duration: from 2 to 4 hours (depending on the age of the children).